Peer Reviewed Publications 

Fishing for the right probiotic: host–microbe interactions at the interface of effective aquaculture strategies  Luana Langlois, Nadeem Akhtar, Kam C. Tam, Brian Dixon and Gregor Reid  FEMS Microbiology Reviews  2021  fuab030, 1–19

Review:  Salmonid Antibacterial Immunity: An Aquaculture Perspective  Shawna L. Semple and Brian Dixon   Biology 2020  9, 331  doi 0.3390/biology9100331

Rearing conditions differentially affect behavioural phenotypes of male ‘jack’ and ‘hooknose’ chinook salmon and their sisters in both fresh- and saltwater  Kathleen D.W. Church, John W. Heath, Daniel D. Heath, and Christina A. D. Semeniuk  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2020 DOI:

Rearing environment affects the genetic architecture and plasticity of DNA methylation in Chinook salmon  CJ Venney, KW Wellband, DD Heath. Heredity

DNA Methylation Profiles Suggest Intergenerational Transfer of Maternal Effects  C. J. Venney, O. P. Love, E. J. Drown, D. D. Heath Molecular Biology and Evolution 2020  37 (2): 540 – 548

Carotenoid pigmentation in salmon: variation in expression at BCO2-l locus controls a key fitness trait affecting red coloration   S. J. Lehnert, K. A. Christensen, W. E. Vandersteen, D. Sakhrani, T. E. Pitcher, J. W. Heath, B. F. Koop, D. D. Heath and R. H. Devlin Proc. Royal Soc. 2019 DOI:

Effects of dietary fishmeal substitution with corn gluten meal and poultry meal on growth rate and flesh characteristics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).  Doughty, K.H., Garner, S.R., Bernards, M.A. Heath, J.W., Neff, B.D. Int. Aquat. Res. 2019 11: 325–334

The effects of variation in acclimation-and growth-maximizing behavioural types of outcrossed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on growth and survival in captivity  JL Mayrand, DD Heath, JW Heath, CAD Semeniuk Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2019 216, 52-62

Interpopulation differences in farmed Chinook salmon product quantity and quality  Lajoie CME, Love OP, Heath DD. Heath JW, Pitcher TE  Aquaculture 2019 506:23-29

Domestic-wild hybridization to improve aquaculture performance in Chinook salmon  Semeniuk, C.A.D., Capelle, P.M., Dender, M.G.E., Devlin, R.H., Dixon, B., Drown, J., Heath, J.W., Hepburn, R., Higgs, D.M., Janisse, K., Lehnert, S.J., Love, O.P., Mayrand, J., Mickle, M., Pitcher, T.E., Neff, B., Semple, S.L., Smith, J.L., Toews, S., Venney, C., Wellband, K., and Heath, D.D.  Aquaculture 2019 511:734255

Phenotypic integration of behavioural and physiological traits is related to variation in growth among stocks of Chinook salmon  Dender, Mitchel G.E.; Capelle, Pauline M.; Love, Oliver P.; and Heath, Daniel D. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2018 DOI:

The effects of paternal reproductive tactic and rearing environment on juvenile variation in growth as mediated through aggression and foraging behaviours of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Forest, A.R., Dender, M.G.E., Pitcher, T.E., and Semeniuk, C.A.D. Ethology 2017 123: 329-341

Life in captivity: Varied behavioural responses to novel setting and food types in first-generation hybrids of farmed and wild juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Kevyn Janisse, Pauline Capelle, John Heath, Mitchel Dender, Daniel Heath, Christina Semeniuk Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 2019 76(2)

Extracellular dsRNA induces a type I interferon response via class A scavenger receptors in a novel Chinook salmon derived spleen cell line Semple S.L., Vo N.T.K., Poynter S.J., Li M., Heath D.D., DeWitte-Orr S.J. and Dixon B. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2018 89: 93-101

Sperm competition and major histocompatibility mediated cryptic female mate choice between alternative reproductive tactics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Helou, L, S. J. Lehnert, T. E. Pitcher, J.W. Heath and D.D. Heath Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2018 31(1): 88-97

Environmental and genetic determinants of transcriptional plasticity in Chinook salmon Wellband KW, Heath JW, Heath DD Heredity 2018 120: 38-50

Hematocrit is associated with thermal tolerance and modulated by developmental temperature in juvenile Chinook salmon Munos, N., Neff, B., Farrell, A., Heath, J.W. Physiology and Biochemical Zoology 2017 91(1): 757-762

Neutral genetic variation in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) shows effects on a somatic trade-off and morphological laterality Wiper, M., Lehnert, S.J., Heath, D.D., Higgs, D.M. Royal Society of Open Science 2017 4(12): 170989

The effects of variation in acclimation– and growth-maximizing behavioural types of outcrossed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) on growth and survival in captivity Jessica L. Mayrand, Daniel D Heath, John W Heath and Christina AD Semenuik Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2017 216:52-62

Phenotypic integration of behavioural and physiological traits is related to variation in growth among stocks of Chinook salmon Dender, M., Capelle, P.,  Love, O., Heath, J., Heath, D.D. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2017 72(12)

Glucocorticoids in fish eggs: variation, interactions with the environment, and the potential to shape offspring fitness Sopinka, N., Capelle, P., Semeniuk, C., Love, O Phys. Bio. Zoo. 2017 90: 15-33

Ontogenetic shifts in genetic and maternal effects on length and survival in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Falica, B.K., Lehnert, S.J., Pitcher, T.E., Heath, D.D., Higgs, D.M. Aquaculture 2017 468: 218-225

Inbreeding effects on gene-specific DNA methylation among tissues of Chinook salmon Venney CJ, Johansson ML, Heath DD Molecular Ecology 2016 25(18): 4521-4533

Prenatal stress exposure generates higher early survival and smaller size without impacting developmental rate in a Pacific salmon Capelle, P.M., Semeniuk C.A.D., Sopinka, N.M., Heath J.W., and Love, O.P. J. Exp. Zoo. 2016 325: 641-650

Effects of early rearing environment and breeding strategy on social interactions and the hormonal response to stressors in juvenile Chinook salmon. Madison BN, Heath JW, Heath DD, Bernier NJ Can. J. Fish. Aqu. Sci. 2015 72: 1-11

The adaptive potential of a Pacific salmon challenged by climate change Nicolas J. Munoz, Antony P. Farrell, John W. Heath and Bryan D. Neff 2015 Nature Climate Change 2015 5(2): 163-166

Breeding strategy and rearing environment effects on the disease resistance of cultured Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). Becker, L.A, M., Kirkland, J. Heath, D. Heath, and B. Dixon. Aquaculture 2014 422-423: 160-166

Indirect genetic effects underlie oxygen- limited thermal tolerance within a coastal population of Chinook salmon. Nicolas J. Munoz, Katja Anttila, Zhong Chen, John W. Heath, Antony P. Farrell and Bryan D. Neff. July Proc. Biol. Sci. 2014 22(281): 1789

Ecological and genetic risks arising from reproductive interactions between wild and farmed Chinook salmon Lehnert SJ, Heath JW, Heath DD Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013 70: 1691-1698

Effect of triploidy on growth and ionoregulatory performance in ocean-type Chinook salmon: a quantitative genetics approach Shrimpton, J.M., Heath, J.W., Devlin, R.H. and Heath, D.D. Aquaculture 2012 362-363: 248-254

Additive, non-additive and maternal effects of cytokine transcription in response to immunostimulation with Vibrio vaccine in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Tutku Aykanat, John W. Heath, Brian Dixon, Daniel D. Heath Immunogenetics 2012 64: 691-703

Gene flow and hybrid distribution patterns in Canadian west coast Mytilus: Marine landscape
shapes hybrid zone in a broadcast spawning bivalve: introgression and genetic structure in Canadian west coast Mytilus. Jody Shields, John W. Heath, Daniel D. Heath Marine Ecol. Prog. Series 2010 339: 211-223

The importance of freshwater feeding in Pacific salmon: a response to Armstrong. Garner, S.R., Heath, J.W. and Neff, BD. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2010 67: 2055-2057

Marine landscape shapes hybrid zone in a broadcast spawning bivalve: introgression and genetic structure in Canadian west coast Mytilus. Shields, J.L., Heath, J.W. and Heath, D.D. Marine Ecolog. Progress Series 2010 339: 211-223

Sexual conflict inhibits female mate choice for MHC dissimilarity in Chinook salmon. Garner, S.R., Bortoluzzi, R., Heath, D.D., and Neff, B.D. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2009 277: 885-894

Transcriptional differences between triploid and diploid Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) during live pathogen challenge. Ching, B.; Jamieson, S.; Heath, J.; Heath, D.; Hubberstey, A. Heredity 2009 104: 224-234

Egg consumption in mature Pacific salmon. Garner, S.R., Heath, J.W. and Neff, BD. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2009 66: 1546-1553

The MHC and non-random mating in a captive population of Chinook salmon Bryan Neff, Shawn Garner, John Heath and Daniel Heath Heredity 2008 101: 175-185

Why are Salmon Eggs Red? Egg Carotenoids and Early Life Survival of Chinook Salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Selene Tyndale, Robert Letcher, John Heath and Daniel Heath
Evolutionary Ecology Research 2008 10: 1-13

Biochemical and molecular differences in diploid and triploid ocean-type chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) smolts. J.M Shrimpton, A.M.C. Setlinger. J.W. Heath, R.H. Devlin and D.D. Heath Fish Phyisiology and Biochemistry 2007 33: 259-268

Effect of daily oscillation in temperature and increased suspended sediment on growth and smolting in juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha J.M. Shrimpton, J.D Zydlewski, J.W. Heath Aquaculture 2007 273: 269-276

Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport during sustained exercise in diploid and triploid chinook
salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Bernier, N.J., Brauner, C.J., Heath, J.W. and Randall, D.J. Can. J.Fish. Aquatic Sc. 2004 61: 1797-1805

Performance and heterosis in farmed and wild Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
hybrid and purebred crosses Bryden, C.A., Heath, J.W., and Heath, D.D. Aquaculture
2004 235: 249-261

Family, induction methodology and interaction effects on the performance of diploid and
triploid chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Johnson, R.M., Shrimpton, J. M., Heath,
J.W. and Heath, D.D. 2004 Aquaculture  2004 234: 123-142

Rapid Evolution of Egg Size in Captive Salmon Daniel D. Heath, John W. Heath, Colleen A.
Bryden, Rachel M. Johnson, Charles W. Fox Science 2003 299: 1738 – 1740

Survival and growth of local and transplanted blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus, Lamark) Jenia F. Yanik, John W. Heath, and Daniel D. Heath Aquaculture Research 2002 34: 1029-1036

Relationships between heterozygosity, allelic distance (d2), and reproductive traits in chinook
salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Daniel D. Heath, Colleen A. Bryden, J. Mark Shrimpton, George K. Iwama, Joanne Kelly and John. W. Heath Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2002 59: 77-84

Y-Chromosome Linkage in an Alternative Male Life History Strategy: Heritability and Y-chromosome influence in the jack male life history of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Daniel D. Heath, Linda Rankin, John W. Heath, and J. Mark Shrimpton. Heredity  2002 89: 311-317

Electroshocking Influences Chinook salmon Egg Survival and Juvenile Physiology and
Immunology. Grace K. Cho, John W. Heath and Daniel D. Heath Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 2000
131: 224-233

Maternal effects on offspring size: Variation through early development of chinook salmon.
Daniel D. Heath, Charles W. Fox & John W. Heath Evolution 1999 53(5): 1650-1611

Growth and hormonal changes associated with precocious sexual maturation in adult male chinook salmon (Onchorynchus tshawytscha). D.D. Heath, R.H. Devlin, J.W. Heath, R.M. Sweeting, B.A. McKeown and G.K. Iwama. J. Exp. Marine Biol.& Ecology 1997 208:239-250

Reply to comment on “genetic, environmental and interaction effects on growth and stress response of chinook salmon (Onchorynchus tshawytscha) fry” by Silverstein. D.D. Heath, N.J. Bernier, J.W. Heath and G.K. Iwama. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1994 51: 981-983

Genetic, environmental and interaction effects on the incidence of jacking in Onchorynchus tshawytscha (chinook salmon). D.D. Heath, N.J. Bernier, J.W. Heath and G.K. Iwama. Heredity 1993 72: 146-154

Genetic, environmental and interaction effects on growth and stress response of chinook salmon
(Onchorynchus tshawytscha) fry. D.D. Heath, N.J. Bernier, J.W. Heath and G. K. Iwama. Can.
J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1993 50: 435-442

Maturation in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum): early identification based on the development of a bimodal weight-frequency distribution. D.D. Heath, J.W. Heath and G.K. Iwama. J. Fish Biol. 1991 39: 565-575